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House maintenance

rosfm. offers different solutions for individual needs in the area of house maintenance. This gives you the freedom to choose and decide for yourself which services you would like to have included in the package. Our many years of experience in the areas of solution-oriented services set us apart. We look forward to supporting your interests with our professional commitment.

Our offers

In the following we list our operational and organizational caretaker activities for the respective segment, which are not shown exhaustively.

Building maintenance
  • Enforcement of house rules
  • Assembly and adjustment of doors and their components such as door handles, door closers including closing sequence control, cylinders and installation boxes as well as seals
  • Accompany and support from external craftsmen
  • Visual and functional checks as well as troubleshooting in the building
  • Inventory and ordering of consumables
Garden maintenance
  • Maintenance of lawns and meadows including cutting edges
  • Maintenance on hedges and borders
  • Professional pruning of shrubs and perennials including disposal
  • Removing leaves
  • Weed regulation
  • Care of the plants such as watering, fertilizing or using pesticides
Environment maintenance
  • Maintenance and care of the access and development zones
  • Maintenance of the indoor and outdoor parking spaces
  • Repair and replacement of defective floor slabs and edging
  • Replacement or new laying of various floor slabs
  • Minor renovations
Winter service
  • Automated snow removal and de-icing on the access and exit roads, parking lots and house entrances
  • Mechanical snow removal and de-icing on narrow sidewalks,
  • House entrances and stairs
  • On-call and on-call service 24/7
Maintenance of the playground
  • Implementation of visual, operational and annual controls
  • Creation of maintenance reports after completion
  • Maintenance and replacement of fall protection floor coverings
Evacuation and disposal
  • Organization and planning of the evacuation
  • Sustainable and environmentally friendly execution
  • Professional separation and disposal in the appropriate landfills

With which house maintenance offer can we support you? You are welcome to contact us using the reservation tool, the registration form or by telephone.